Design for Assembly
Design for Assembly and Tear Down
Design for Assembly and Tear Down
Dynamic TD (focused on the effort and time it takes to assemble and disassemble the products being studied) is supported by commercially available computer software designed for Design for Assembly (DFA) criteria in that it can assess product designs in the same way.
AVG’s Tear-Down Method integrates DFA in the Dynamic TD element, achieving better results for our clients.
- Simplify the design and reduce the number of parts. The probability of a perfect product goes down exponentially as the number of parts increases
- Better chances to automate at a lower cost. Automation becomes more difficult and more expensive when more parts are handled and processed
- Overhead costs reduced. Costs related to purchasing, stocking, and servicing also go down as the number of parts are reduced.
- Reduced WIP. Inventory and work-in-process levels will go down with fewer parts.
- Reduced Lead Times. As the product structure and required operations are simplified, fewer fabrication and assembly steps are required, manufacturing processes can be integrated and lead-times further reduced.
- Less Engineering Work. When parts can be eliminated, combined with another part, or the function can be performed in another way, the designer should go through less drawings and validations.