Our function is to encourage change! 

AVG is a consulting firm that works with its clients to improve their business and profitability. 

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AVG is a value consulting firm dedicated to providing value improvement services such as Value Engineering, Value Analysis, Competitive Tear-Down workshops, and other related services.  

Our application of the value methodology technique has been widespread with no particular focus. AVG has facilitated over 1,000 teams across different products, processes, construction facilities and systems all over the globe. AVG is also a skilled leader in Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing techniques. This comes from its current president's early training in these techniques received by leading manufacturing companies in Japan. For this, since 2018, and the Lean Six Sigma Institute and AVG hold a joint venture partnership. 

We bring to our clients more than 40 years of experience in working with businesses to improve value for the company and its customers.

